North Yorkshire County Council




16 February 2021


Area Constituency Committee Feedback









Purpose of the Report


To bring to the attention of the Executive key issues considered at recent meetings of the Area Constituency Committees.


2.0       Thirsk & Malton Area Constituency Committee on 13 January 2021


2.1       The committee considered the Council Budget Proposals for 2021/22, with a particular focus upon the area covered by the committee.  The following issues were discussed:

·            The need to strike the correct balance between providing services and not raising Council Tax more than necessary, and the options available regarding the adult social care precept;

·            The number of schools expected to be in deficit over the next 3 years and the value of that deficit - Members noted that the average deficit figures provided often masked some serious problems for some individual schools;

·            The potential budgetary impact on schools beyond 2023, and the particular difficulties faced by smaller schools;

·            The reduced ‘business-as-usual’ activity, as a result of COVID e.g. a 30% reduction in Living Well referrals and a 25% reduction in reablement activity etc - Members raised concern about the likely impact of a growing backlog of need in those areas;

·            The level of existing residential and nursing care contracts were being paid above NYCC rates;


2.2       The Committee also considered a report on some proposed amendments to Hambleton District Council’s operation of off-street car parks.  Members from the affected divisions confirmed their support for the proposed amendments.


2.3       Finally, the committee considered the proposed changes to the Healthy Child Programme. The committee broadly supported the proposed changes, and noted that the proposed provision of remote meetings/appointments/assessments and an increased use of internet-based services was in line with a whole range of public, private and third sector organisations who had also adopted new ways of working in response to the pandemic, two national lockdowns and various local restrictions.  It was acknowledged that for many the changed ways of working had been liberating, but for some there was a risk of exclusion from the services they needed.  The committee were therefore pleased to note that face-to-face and telephone-based access to services would be maintained for those most vulnerable or for those unable to use/access technology.  Reassurance was also sought that the impact of the pandemic on children and young people’s mental health would be taken into account as the proposed changes to services were being finalised. 




3.0       Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee on 15 January 2021


3.1       Executive Members provided an update on the current approach to the COVID 19 pandemic, following the recent implantation of a further national lockdown. The following issues were highlighted during the discussion:-


·         Regular updates being provided by the County Council to the whole of North Yorkshire

·         The vaccination programme and how that is developing

·         Regular meetings with local MPs regarding the response to the pandemic

·         Measures being taken to ensure compliance with lockdown and dissuade others from travelling into the County for recreational purposes

·         The continuing work of the community Care teams to assist local communities

·         The need to focus on the majority complying with lockdown rather than those who were not

·         The response to the provision of free school meals for those requiring them

·         The multi-agency response to reducing the infection rate and responding to the needs of local communities.


3.2       Consideration was given to the Council Budget Proposals for 2021/22, with a particular     focus upon the area covered by the committee.  The following issues were discussed:


·         The possible use of Central Government “Levelling up Funds” to assist with the budget

·         The need to provide funding to upgrade the A19/M62 roundabout to encourage better employment opportunities into the area. It was explained that this was predominantly Highways England matter, but the County Council could support such a venture in the interests of local businesses.


3.3       The Committee considered an annual update on Schools, Educational Achievement and Finance.  The wide-ranging report provided information on: the number of schools across     the area and their status; school standards and attainment; exclusions; special education       needs; schools’ finance; and planning of school places. The following issues were       discussed:-


·         The provision of technological resources to children who are unable to access remote learning due to them being unable to access those facilities and details were provided as to how that was being addressed through a number of national and local initiatives.

·         An update on the provision of 3 new classrooms at Barlby School


3.4       James Malcolm (Area Highways Manager) provided an update on the progress being made         to rebuild, repair and reopen the A19 following severe flooding earlier in the year. The           following issues were highlighted:-


·         Work had commenced on site and initially efforts were being made to strengthen the site against the potential of further flooding.

·         Progress had been good to date with work taking place during all daylight hours available.

·         The contractor had been working with local communities to ensure that liaison was maintained and had supported a number of charity and community events.

·         Some Members expressed their disappointment with the expected completion date of June 2021 and wondered why work had not been taking place at week-ends or during the Christmas period. In response it was explained why work could not take place during these times, however, as daylight hours extended, so would the working day and it was hoped that the completion date could be brought forward, with regular feedback provided to Members in respect of this.


4.0       Scarborough & Whitby Area Constituency Committee on 20 January 2021


4.1       The Committee considered the Council Budget Proposals for 2021/22, with a particular focus upon the area covered by the Committee, and the following issues were discussed:


·         The projected HAS overspend and adult social care precept options, and the reduction in business as usual which was likely to lead to a backlog of need;

·         The reluctance of some families to place relatives in care under the current circumstances;

·         The financial difficulties for schools in the area, and the worsening projections for those  schools over the next 3 years;

·         The need to strike the correct balance between raising Council Tax to pay for services, and the propensity of residents to pay.

·         The services available for residents who fall into financial difficulty

·         The potential  for significant savings should the local government review prove successful, and the continued increase in Locality budgets unto LGR is determined


4.2       The Committee also received a development update on NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s East Coast Transformation Programme, together with a performance update for Scarborough hospital from York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.


4.3       The transformation programme update provided an overview of the recognised challenges for coastal communities and isolated rural District General Hospitals e.g. dis-economy of scale, workforce recruitment and retention, infrastructure, limitations of effective networks and the impact of the wider economy. It also detailed the programme to date and gave reassurance that the principal aim of the Scarborough Acute Review was to support the ongoing provision of an Emergency Department in Scarborough.  It was confirmed that as part of this, a new £47m capital programme for a new Emergency Department and Intensive care unit was being developed.


4.4       Members raised their ongoing concerns about the quality of basic care being provided in Scarborough Hospital as evidenced by a number of recent CQC reports.  In response, information was provided on the quality improvement achievements to date and the planned actions going forward which would deliver the improved standards on wards that Members were seeking.  The Committee agreed to keep a watching brief and requested a further update in June 2021




5.0       Recommendation


5.1       That the Executive notes the report and considers any matters arising from the work of the Area Constituency Committees detailed above, that merits further scrutiny, review or investigation at a county-level.




Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)

County Hall



4 February 2021


Background Documents:  None

Appendices:  None